yummy yummy

Design Situation

Cooking is a very popular Art in Australia with televison programs featuring celebrity chef (Donna Hay and Jamie Oliver), it just keeps getting better. Many popular cooking show try to promote home cooking such as- matser chef, huey's cooking  journey and Ready steady Cook .ect.. and even reality show use food as a enterainment medium.The cookbook market is made of a huge, array of titles and themes targeting anyone and everyone from people that are learing how to cook 's who need new idea's. The range of food is limited by the new and exciting ideas  of preparation and cooking presentation. Cooking gets bigger every day.

Design Brief

To help design a cookbook for the school community to sell as a fundraiser.
The Four Keys word:
-Design:An outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or constructed.e.g. to a cookbook.
-Cookbook:Collection of recipes, instructions, and
information about the preparation and serving of foods. At its best, a cookbook is also a chronicle and treasury of the fine art of cooking, an art whose masterpieces e.g. Donna Hay cookbook.
-School community:A school work as a community to make something happen e.g. a Fundrasier
-Fundrasier:to collect by fund-raising:
The charity needs to fund-raise more than a million dollars. e.g. rasing money for a Hospital or fund for a good causes.


Brainstorm the limitations or constraints for this project. The task is to identify limitations and discuss how they impact on your project.
-Your partner being away and relaying on them to bring thing for cooking: The limitation of ralaying on your partner to bring thing and they don't come on the day because they are away.
-Computer not working not being able to get on:This may limit the time and use of the computer for loging onto the weebly web page and updating you make and doing the  work from masterchef.weebly for the teacher.
-The stove or oven don't work probably:This is a limitation of not being able to cook or work in the food tech rooms or the bay that has been giving to you.
-That food you are able to get a hold of:This may be the many ingredient's in you dish which you may not be able to find or persices because there shop is out of stock, which will make you have to choose another dish to make.
-They amount of money able to spend:How much money you are aloud to speed may be limited or the cost of food may be to over price or the quality of the produce.
-The items provided for you:They school may not have the item you need, so you are limited to the use of item in the school.

 Criteria for Success

At the conclusion of the project you will be asked to JUDGE how successful your project is based on what you set out to achieve. To do this you need to create a list of criteria, at the beginning of the project, that your final design MUST have in order for it to be deemed a success.
-The recipe page most have a Title
-Having langauge that able to read
-A page long
-How many people the recipe can serve
-Must have a list of ingredients
-Must be attractive


10 important words from your notes and write a definition for each:
-Food: Food is taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth,
etc. A particular kind of solid nourishment:eaten atbreakfast,lunch and dinner.
-Recipe:A set of instructions for making
or preparing
something, esp. a food dish: a recipe for a cake. A guide line to shiow you how to make something.
-Ingredients:Something that enters as an element into a mixture: Flour, eggs, and sugar are the main ingredients in the cake. A constituent element of anything; component: the ingredients
of political success.
-Design:An outline, sketch, or plan, as of the form and structure of a work of art, an edifice, or a machine to be executed or
constructed.e.g. to a cookbook.
-Cookbook:Collection of recipes, instructions, and information
about the preparation and serving of foods. At its best, a cookbook is also a chronicle and treasury of the
fine art of cooking, an art whose masterpieces e.g. Donna Hay cookbook.
a limiting condition; restrictive weakness; lack of capacity; inability or
-Cooking:Used in preparing foods:
a cooking utensil. Fit to eat when cooked ( distinguished from eating): cooking apples.
ood with reference to its quality or tastiness when eaten:
This fish is delicious eating.
o offer or have a
meal or refreshments available, as for patrons or guests: Come early, we're serving at six.
-Fundrasier:to collect by fund-raising: The charity needs to fund-raise more than a million dollars. e.g. rasing money for a Hospital or fund for a good causes.